Bearth is a best-selling true story of Earth with millions of fans.  In ancient times, when the more part of the people turned evil, the planet would rise up and destroy the race down to a few scattered tribes.  When they were good, the planet blessed them with bounty and fair weather.

Now, there are nearly 8 billion people living on Earth.  About half of them are wicked, and half are good and decent people.  The greatest end-times story ever will take hold of your soul as Earth is about to give birth to a new Earth.

Get ready for the TV Series that will change the way you consider life, death, and the potential of the human soul.  This is epic science fiction on a scope rarely seen in a TV Series.

Robert Riker is a presidential candidate running his entire campaign on social media, but suddenly finds himself the winner, when the two Eastablishment candidates punch one another bloody during a nationally televised debate.  Within days, the planet begins to rapture like nothing anyone imagined.  As a fulfillment of prophjecy, Riker wins the election and puts a team together to save the human race for a new Earth destined for a new heaven.

Three seasons of award-winning scripts and world-class casting tells a story that will change everything.  Hang on.  We expect rough air ahead..

Strong spiritual themes, graphic violence, dystopian, inspirational.