Manifestation Masterclass

(recorded version)

  • Don’t have time on Saturday?
  • Do you want to take the Masterclass on your own schedule?
  • How about a 15% discount?

Click the book cover to purchase the 15% discounted recorded webinar.

Remembering the Future Audio Book

Remembering the Future

The Manifestation Masterclass is based on live lectures on the best-seller Remembering the Future.  This recording was created in 2022 from a live session webinar with live students.

Here’s what you are purchasing:

  • 2.5 hour Manifestation Masterclass
  • 1.5 hour Journaling Masterclass
  • Signed copy of Remembering the Future

This recording is for your use only.  Sharing this link with people who have not paid to gain access to it comes with its own karma.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to use the CONTACT form on this site.  It is monitored 18 hours a day.


Dynamism: Clearing a path for your life force

David Womack’s reason for being is to bring joy and happiness to each person he meets. As a Dynamism Clearing Practitioner, Coach and Instructor, David empowers people and makes them more aware of the abundance of their abilities and how to use them ethically to create a more meaningful life.

David listens without evaluation or invalidation, guiding you to look within to find both conscious and unconscious barriers that keep you trapped in unwanted patterns. He also helps you achieve personal sovereignty through Dynamism processes, a staircase to personal freedom. He is highly qualified to do this work, not only through his rich and diverse life experience, but through years of rigorous training under Rev. Suzanne Camper and Enid Vien, the founder of Dynamism.

Through his straightforward approach, David has been able to get people to see beyond their prejudices more than anyone else I have ever known. As my practitioner, that included me, clearing things I was afraid were permanent impediments and patterns, enabling me to develop techniques to assist others more effectively. This allowed me to fulfill my raison d’etre, my reason for being.

Enid Vien

Founder of Dynamism

Master Practitioner

A case is the collection of psychic impressions which we have accumulated, along with the thoughts, decisions, conclusions and emotions in those impressions, which taint our Dynamis (life energy.) We flow this tainted life energy into the physical universe, creating effects we do not currently intend or desire.

©Enid Vien